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USmax iLab Technomanics

Technomanics: pronounced as “tech-no-manics” – Invented by the geeks at USmax, technomanics is defined as the internal mechanics of a technology ecosystem.

The technomanics of USmax iLab consist of the latest cloud computing and virtualization technologies. We extensively utilize the concept of “Virtual Environment Prototyping (VEP)”, allowing us to identify and test designs requiring modification to enhance productivity, determine which processes should be automated, assess the feasibility of modular multi-use technologies, and to calculate capability enhancements.

In addition to our Cloud and VEP platforms, our iLab also consists of various types of computing platforms (Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Solaris, MAC OS), mobile computing platforms (iOS, Android, Blackberry OS, Windows Mobile), and a combination of application frameworks (Java, .NET, PERL, RUBY, PHP, etc.)

Our ability to invent, innovate and improve solutions offers our clients significant benefits for reducing costs, yielding more robust designs, and shortening the cycle times of new product development.

Success Stories

One of the largest provider of durable medical equipment in the Mid-Atlantic region relied on USmax iLab to develop a Logistics Route and Scheduling optimization solution to efficiently distribute medical equipment.

The geeks at iLab innovated a routing algorithm utilizing the TourSolver Software Development Kit (SDK) from Magellan Ingénierie. The innovation increased the equipment delivery efficiency from 200 deliveries per month to over 600 deliveries with no increase in resources or operations.


  • Increased productivity
  • Increased customer satisfaction and service
  • Reduced cost of operations

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you