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Presentation by State Department OSDBU Director, Mr. George Price

Pictured are David Pak, President, USmax and Chair AFCEA SBC, with George Price, OSDBU Director; Rich Vinnacombe, Deputy Director for U.S. Department of State OSDBU; and Eric Strauss, Director, Connected Logistics and Co-Chair AFCEA SBC.

David S. Pak, President/CEO USmax and AFCEA Small Business Committee Chair, hosted a presentation by Mr. George Price, a member of the Senior Executive Service and Director of Office of Small Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) at U.S. Department of State. Said David S. Pak, “ … for small business seeking to do business at STATE, Mr. Price’s presentation today was totally valuable. We commend him for his leadership and his consistent outreach efforts facing the small business community.”

The AFCEA Small Business Committee consists of senior executive leadership from Industry Small, Mid-tier, and Large firms and Government. It meets every month and offers venues for training, networking, information on upcoming procurements, contract vehicles, partnering opportunities, and serves as an overall resource for small businesses seeking opportunities for organizational and business development. This often includes presentations by speakers like Mr. Price, to address the committee and share information helpful to businesses seeking growth, supporting federal agency programs and initiatives.

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